Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Photos, finally.

I'm back where I started; Bangkok.  Tomorrow I head home.  Last night, in Yangon, was particularly exhausting as I had to settle for a storage room with a mattress on the floor (zero sleep).  Yangon is experiencing a spike in tourism and the hotels are often full.  The result is that I'm a bit too tired to really think about leaving my hotel yet, so I decided to use the time to share some photos (finally).  I have hundreds on facebook.  Feel free to friend me if you want to see more. 

Favorite Photo of the trip; This is a young girl at a rooster fight. The two roosters behind her are tethered together and battling pretty viciously. The name of this village is Penpom and it's near the border of Myanmar's remote Chin State.

Nearly sunrise at Angkor Wat, Cambodia

It's Apocalypse Now for The Three Little Pigs in Cambodia

Market in Siem Reap, Cambodia

Market in Siem Reap, Cambodia

Cambodian gas station

Angkor Wat - Cambodia

See the face?  Angkor Wat

Remember the Weasel Poo post? Dalat, Vietnam

Sad story behind this rooster if you recall.  Dalat, Vietnam

Mountain tribe woman outside of Dalat, Vietnam.  Her English was excellent.  She said she learned it by following red cross volunteers around her village when she was young.  She also spoke a bit of French and Dutch. 

This kid was part of a family of fishermen (fisherpeople?).  They were pulling in their nets for the night.  Mui Ne, Vietnam

This is the S-21 survivor I mentioned in my Cambodia post.

Remember the snake post?

This was my moto driver in Hanoi.  I liked it when he was talking on his phone because it meant that he wasn't texting (which he did a lot of). 

Sapa, Vietnam.  Mountain tribe women. 

There were kids everywhere in Sapa.

My cooking class teacher in Luang Prabang, Laos

A shot from the boat ride from Luang Prabang to Huay Xi

Luang Prabang, Laos

Waterfall outside of Luang Prabang, Laos

Ananda Temple monk, Bagan, Myanmar

Children outside Ananda Temple, Bagan, Myanmar

Bagan, Myanmar

Bagan, Myanmar

Sunrise, Bagan, Myanmar

For those who were wondering what cane ball looks like;

Military checkpoint on remote mountain road between Pyay, Myanmar and Tuanggok, Myanmar

Leaving Sittwe, Myanmar

Leaving Sittwe, Myanmar

The beard is gone now.  The guy sitting behind me is one of the political prisoners that were recently released here. 

They are building a bridge.  The skirts they're wearing are called "longyi" and are worn by most men in Myanmar. 

Moving bamboo up river.

Maurk U temple

This kid wanted us to see something that he had in a pile of rocks near a 400 year old temple...

Woman at a remote river side market near the border of Myanmar's Chin State

Kids at a Chin Village market, Myanmar

Chin Village women.

Sunset during the boat ride home from the Chin villages

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