Monday, February 4, 2013


Hello Friends.  I know I haven't been posting very frequently in the past few months. The issue is that I’m still not well and the sickness is significantly limiting my mobility, which limits my experiences here, which limits what I have to write about.  I’ll likely be heading back to Windhoek this week to see a doctor there. I won’t be posting much until I feel better unless I have something significant or interesting to share.  Here are some photos from my walk to work this past Friday.

I pass these kids most days.  This abandoned car is their clubhouse.
I never thought I'd get used to constantly walking through sand, but I barely notice it anymore.  It's always in my shoes and pockets, often in my bed, and sometimes in my food.  I won't miss sand when I leave here.  This is a small part of the long sandy walk to my office.  It's rainy season now, so everything is very green.

 My entourage.

Part of my walk takes me through a big school yard.  There's usually about a dozen kids taking turns doing flips off this wall.